How to grow galangal in a pot. Easy to grow and eat at home.

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For fingerroot, it is considered one of the most useful herbs. The part that we usually use in cooking is the fingerroot root, which can be used in a variety of dishes such as stir-fried with chilli paste, jungle curry, etc. If anyone likes to eat these dishes, they might want to 
plant fingerroot in a pot, planting tray, ทางเข้า ufabet etc. So we have some advice on how to easily plant fingerroot at home for everyone. 

How to grow galangal in a pot. Easy to grow and eat at home.
  1. Buy galangal from the market. Stimulate the growth of galangal buds by cutting the roots from the galangal rhizomes. Soak the rhizomes in water for 2-3 nights and check to see if galangal buds grow.
  2. Prepare the containers for planting, pots, planting trays (whichever is available) and put the soil for planting in them, making it a slightly fertile, loose soil.
  3. If the container has a drain hole, cover it with something to leave a small drainage hole.
  4. Then, plant the rhizomes with buds ready to sprout into the soil, not too deep, before covering with another layer of soil or straw.
  5. Water thoroughly and place the container in a shady area. Leave it for about 7-15 days and the galangal will start to sprout. After about 1 month, it will start to grow into a tree.
  6. Then we can dig up the soil and take the galangal out to cook.